Benefits of Guyabano leaves and fruits

Benefits of Guyabano leaves and fruits

Guyabano tree also named as Soursop (Anona Muricata) contains spiky and fleshy fruits ‘Guyabono’. They are renowned in the Philippines and other vicinity areas. Some studies have linked that eating this fruit gives us many health benefits including giving relief from diabetics, UTI, digestive problems, leg cramps and some other major human problems. They are also believed to reduce the internal parasites and bacteria present in the body.

Not just Guyabano fruit treats the health problems but the leaves and bark are also works greats in treating many health problems. Some people believe that drinking Guyabano leaves juice helps the general health and some others tend to consume the Guyabano fruit in the raw form or in the form of juice. Let us see the health benefits of Guyabano.

Health benefits of Guyabano

Urinary tract infection
Guyabano fruits are one of the best sources of vitamin C which helps to prevent the UTI or Uninary Tract Infections. The vitamin C increases the acidity of urine and thus flushes out the bacteria in the body. It is also known well in boosting the immune system.

To get the good cholesterol levels Guyabano is one best fruit among the various fruits. Guyabano increases the good cholesterol levels in the body through its Niacin compound. Infact to reduce the amount of the bad cholesterol one must have to regularly consume fruits and vegetables.

Leg cramps
Guyabano contains rich amounts of potassium that works effective in relieving the leg cramps and rheumatism. So add Guyabano in your diet, indeed the deficiency of potassium leads to body weakness. You will get good potassium amounts from Guyabano which is nearly half the amount from bananas.

Treats digestive problems
Guyabano helps in treating the digestive problems such as constipation and other digestion related problems. If you are seeking to use laxatives inorder to reduce weight, use Guyabano instead of them as it is a natural way to treat the weight and to get relief from constipation. Guyabano consists of rich amount of fiber which is essential for the overall health of the digestive system.

The lack of healthy red blood cells in the body is termed as Anemia, such condition arises due to the deficiency of iron in the blood. Consuming iron supplements helps to relieve the problem but consuming Guyabano is a healthy natural way to grab rich amounts of iron.

Boosts the body energy
The another important health benefit of Guyabano includes fueling the energy of the body.The loss of energy makes the individual to feel tired and weak, to counteract such situations Guyabano helps in a good way as it consists of essential nutrients such as potassium, thiamin and sugar that are essential to boost the energy of the body. You don’t get any side effects as this is an organic energy.
Skin infection

In treating many general skin problems like acne, inflammation, scars and others the Guyabona leaves helps a lot. Just take handful of Guyabano leaves and crush them, apply this paste on the affected area to heal the skin problems.

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