5 ways to fall in-love with yourself again

It was revealed recently in the Dove 2010 global study The Real Truth About Beauty: Revisited that only 4% of women consider themselves beautiful.  Jacqui O’Bree, an independent life coach from Johannesburg has some tips to help women realise how beautiful they are.

1. Focus on your beauty

    *Write down five aspects of your body and face that are beautiful - don’t stop until you find at least five things!
    *Share these five aspects with a friend, partner or colleague.
    *Fully appreciate these five aspects and love your body from head to toe.

2. Identify your uniqueness

    *What about you makes you stand out?
    *Ask a friend, partner or colleague "What makes me unique?"
   * Write down what she/he says, keep it in your pocket, stick it on your bathroom mirror and read it every day.
    *Silence your inner critic.
    *Accept compliments without judgement.
    *Celebrate your own unique beauty.

3. Admire your inner beauty 

    *Consider your inner beauty - what do you think your best friend admires about you?
    *What qualities and characteristics do you admire about yourself and are you most proud of?
    *Write down at least five qualities and characteristics you are proud of.
    *Your inner beauty and strength is reflected to those around you.
    *Get in touch with what makes you beautiful inside and remind yourself of those qualities - realise your full beauty potential.

4. Change the way you speak about yourself

    *Words have incredible power in our lives, so stop criticising yourself.
    *Change the words you use to describe yourself to change how you think, feel and how you live.

5 .Realise how beautiful you really are

    *Move on and forgive yourself.
    *Let go of the memories, the pain and regrets that are holding you back from seeing how beautiful you really are.
    *Be a kind and supportive friend to yourself.
    *Treat yourself with compassion, understanding, love and support.
    *Realise that you really are beautiful.

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