The three main Stages of menopause

Menopause is a period that most women dread in their lives. This is mainly attributed to the different changes that the body goes through. Without the right information the menopausal stages might not be easy to understand especially for those with no or limited idea of what to expect and how to understand what to do at that particular time. It is sometimes referred to as the last menstrual cycle and for most women they take a period from between 10 to 12 months before receiving their normal monthly period. This is however different for those with underlying medical conditions.

Though a normal stage in life the symptoms may vary from one woman to the other. To begin with there are three major stages of menopause that also have varying signs and hormonal changes which every woman should know in order to be prepared.

The first stage is the perimenopausal stage that comes several years before the actual menopause. It is usually characterized by the reduction of hormones such as Estrogen which results into the irregular menstrual cycle. Other accompanying symptoms include mood swings, hot flashes, interruptions in sleeping pattern and vaginal dryness. It is impossible to rule out the chances of getting pregnant at this particular stage and that is why taking of birth control pills are recommended.

The second stage is the actual or natural menopause that marks the end of menstruation that is not as a result of being on medication. It may not be easy to specify the exact age when this happens considering that there are those who reach this stage as early as in their 30s while others take longer up to 60 years before experiencing the real menopause. Studies have however showed that smokers tend to get to this stage several years before non smokers.

The final stretch is the post menopause stage that is sometimes accompanied by constant vaginal dryness and hot flushes as a result of the low production of the Estrogen hormones. This is the stage where women are vulnerable to medical conditions such as osteoporosis that is caused by low levels of estrogen hormones. Supplements are therefore recommended to prevent the occurrence of such conditions.

Having the right information is very important for you to avoid making several trips to the doctor that is probably uncalled for. The symptoms are not the same for every woman and chances are that yours may not be similar to those experienced by your friends or any other person you know.
Studies are still ongoing to try and come up with a medical procedure to assist in the projection or the identification of the onset of menopause. The only reliving information is that this is a natural process that does not require medical attention unless in extreme cases where there are other health risks involved. Read more to get all the facts about menopause.

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