Health benefits of eating cereals

Health benefits of  cereals

Large number of minerals
Cereals are the greatest sources of energy and they contain loads of minerals. Most of the minerals comprised by cereals includes potassium, sulphates and phosphates of magnesium and calcium.

Cereals with high amount of minerals
The cereals like ragi, bajra, millets, jowar are having the highest scales of iron and calcium. Along with these they also contain fiber and little amounts of zinc, magnesium and copper.

Cancer prevention
The proteins and minerals present in the wheat products decrease the chance of breast cancer. The rich amounts of phytosterols and plant estrogen are responsible for this action. With the intake of whole wheat products colon cancer can also be avoided.

The whole cereals like bran and percarp contains cellulose, pectin and hemicellulose which are the major blockers of the constipation problem. Cereals increase the stools and cleans the internal system.
Blood sugar level

The fiber content present in the cereals reduce the glucose discharge from food by which the sugar blood levels will be balanced. Cereal are rich in enzymes like protease, lipases amylase and oxido-reductases.

Vitamin content
To get the vitamin E from the cereals it is ideal to pick the rice bran oil from the market. Prefer maizes as they are the contents of carotene. Vitamin B complex will be available in the whole grain cereals.

Every tissue of the cereals contains proteins, Protein concentration varies from stem to root. They are dense in the endosperm from the middle to the borderline.The different types of cereal proteins are albumins, globulins, prolamines gliadins and glutelins.

Add pulses
Your food will be more nutritious if you add the pulses to the cereals. Pulses have good quantity of lysine but low at methionine, to the next side cereals are rich in methionine, .

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