How to Be a Sweet, Sexy and Irresistible Guy

Be a gentleman and be chivalrous. In fact, nothing else in this guide will count if you're not! For a start, be nice to everyone you know and be especially kind to girls. Girls really judge guys on kindness. Say "hey" to everyone you know, and make sure to hold doors open for people, even if you don't know them. It's also a great idea to be a gentlemen to your and her family as well, as both sides can greatly impact a girl's view of yourself. Treat the girls in the families especially well- she will see this as how you will treat her if the relationship is to last. Example: if you are over for something and eat something, make sure you clean up after yourself and help a little bit around the house. It reflects really well on you.

Have a great personality by showing interest in being friendly and up to the challenge. Have a good sense of humor, or if that's not your strong point, just be kind and smile. Respect ALL girls, ugly or not, so you can treat any girl right- if you fall in love with her, you're a good catch. Be as fun as you possibly can at parties and dances; have good fun with your (and maybe even the girl your interested in's) friends. You can maybe be a bit sarcastic, but be smart--not mean. No one likes a mean guy. Be brave and always offer a shoulder to cry on. Be sensitive and understanding. This is what most girls see once they begin to spend more than five minutes with you, and it's more important than looks any day. You get the point. 

Be dignified and confident and show flaming anger at her enemies and get revenge on them in a fair way, or at least offer comfort when they hurt her. Know how and when to fight, but never hit, kick or slap a girl. EVER. Well, that will just show the girl you can be out of control.

Practice good hygiene, of course. No girl wants to kiss a gross guy. Take a shower daily, if possible. It helps. Shave any facial hair, or if that's the look you're going for, KEEP IT NEAT. That means combing and washing! Clean your face with a skin cleanser for a clearer complexion. 

Do not go for the "slob" look! It has never worked for a girl, no matter what your buddies say! This isn't saying you have to be a total, perfectly dressed prepster- sometimes a turn-off in its own right- but most girls are REALLY turned off by seeing boxers, greasy hair, etc. Look good. Decent skin, nice hair-- length doesn't matter much as long as you keep it clean and decently cared for. Wear some kind of deodorant, maybe a little cologne sometimes. Be sparing- subtlety is good!

Be nice to your potential crushes, always treat her right and talk to her! Be yourself, and don't try too hard. Look her in the eyes (not staring, but don't act embarrassed!) and talk in a casual way, then say a simple compliment, like "Hey, I like your hair..." Anything that the "usual" guy wouldn't even notice. Don't act shy about talking, and just carry on with small talk, not just boy stuff; see what she is interested in. Maybe you'll share some interests! Ask questions, and listen to the answers. Never insult her about her look or her interests. 

Look out for her, Don't be overprotective, but defend her no matter who says things about her and where. Comfort her or give her space when she's sad- but try to figure out which she'll want when this happens. She'll appreciate how in tune you are with her needs. Try to pretend you don't notice when she does something wrong- she's probably beating herself up enough because she did something stupid in front of such a sweet guy. Pamper her in small ways when possible. Girls notice that. Soon enough, ask her out. If she says no, (she probably won't) just say politely, "Okay, can we be friends?" She'll probably say, "Yeah", and possibly come around to see how amazing you are. If not, just get over that one, there are tons of girls that should like you by now. Girls love caring (but not so caring that you freak out over a dead fly). Be caring, as in: walk a girl home, or bring her books when she's sick. It will pay off.


Don't show it if all you want is a sex object. If you do, be prepared to be slapped, stuffed in a locker with girl stuff, pepper-sprayed, attacked by an angry mob with text books and makeup, or in a bad case, have the stuff slapped out of you by the girl, her friends and their friends, etc. after class.

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