Tips For Overcoming Your Fears

Tip #1: Divide and Conquer
 Try picking ONE fear to work on at a time and ONLY one (I’d personally do the “easiest” of them to start off with so we can build some positive fear crushing momentum, but this is entirely up to you). Why pick just one? Well let’s take getting better with women. The path to this goal is littered with potential fears – making eye contact, the approach, flirting, touching, escalation, and then sex. Oh yeah there is that rejection part, but that doesn’t phase us because rejection is a good thing remember?

However though not impossible to face them all at once, it is just easier to single out each of these fears and conquer them one by one. Continuous progression is the name of the game. First we make eye contact with women. Then perhaps we learn to make eye contact AND smile. Then we learn to approach with a smile. Now one by one, we build on each conquered fear until the sum of them (becoming successful with women) is overtaken by our unyielding will to succeed.

Tip #2: Conquer Fears With A Friend Or Family Member 
When you conquer fears with someone as a team, you have someone to relate your struggles with, someone who will push you and encourage you, and most importantly, someone who will hold you accountable for your success and vice versa. Make sure it is a true friend who won’t act weak and condescending towards you by teasing you about your fears or who allows you to get away with procrastinating and being lazy about bettering yourself. We ain’t got time for that.

This strategy helps because when you face an obstacle as a team, you’re more likely to succeed because you have something to rally behind. You’re both fighting for the same thing together. Not to say that doing it on your own is impossible. On the contrary! It just takes a much stronger, more resilient man to follow through on his own and to hold himself accountable, to admit his failures, and to brush himself off and pick himself up.

The idea is that you both share your fears with each other. These are the fears that YOU ARE GOING TO CONQUER TOGETHER. This will force both of you to become accountable to each other and you don’t want to let yourself or your friend down right? Subconsciously, your friend acts as someone issuing you a challenge; the challenge being “are you man enough to conquer your fear?”. One thing’s for certain, men never back down from challenges. We rise to meet our challenges and we conquer them no matter what.

Then as soon as you both succeed with one fear, you move on to the next one together. You do not surpass your friend by conquering your fears quickly while he is still stuck on one. You should be helping each other succeed and grow in unison. This is not about racing each other or instilling competition between you. By building upon and encouraging each other, you will build a much stronger relationship and soon enough, you’ll both be feeding off of each others energy, motivation, and success, allowing you both to conquer your fears left and right as a team!

Tip #3: Force Yourself To Take Action Regardless 
 This one is interesting because it involves blocking or filtering all of those thoughts racing through your head and just forcing your physical body to do something, often times without considering the consequences. See a pretty girl? Your head says “Oh she’s probably got a boyfriend”, “she wouldn’t like me”, “I shouldn’t even try”. You recognize this is going on in your head, so you just force yourself to walk over and say “Hi, how’s your day going?”

By doing this, all of that nervousness in your head instantly shuts off and it forces you to LIVE IN THE PRESENT, and to FOCUS ON WHAT IS IN FRONT OF YOU, not what is going on inside your head.

A good example of this is when we stick our toes in a swimming pool to test how cold the water is. We’re really hesitant to just dive in because of that fear of a freezing rush over our bodies. The anticipation and hesitation starts building in our heads causing us to take our sweet time just to get into a pool of water.

Through our cautious human nature, we slowly stick our toes in, and then our foot, and then our leg, and inch by inch we get all the way in the pool. Now to counteract this nature, a demonstration of this tip is that you don’t test the pool water at all. You have no idea how cold it is but you are certain it is. You just know that you are about to face the unknown and you are going to face it ALL THE WAY. There is no all or nothing, just ALL. So you take the plunge and YOU FORCE YOURSELF to simply run and jump in! This is hands down what taking massive action looks like.
Tip #4: Commit To Success and Commit With A Time Constraint
Commit to conquering your fear and commit to conquering it in a given time frame – either today, tomorrow, this week, or this month; whenever it is, just totally commit and do so within a certain time. Don’t let laziness allow you to brush it off until later. Commit to a day and do it. Mark it on a calendar, tell a few people what you are going to do and commit. It feels uncomfortable when you start realizing that you are actually about to face this fear, but that is a good thing. It means you are nutting up, confronting your fear, going toe to toe with it, and you’re going to TKO that shit! By utilizing a time constraint, it adds a level of accountability and forces you to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION with NO EXCUSES. 

 Tip #5: Share Your Struggle With A  Stranger
More  times than not, people are going to be really supportive, uplifting, encouraging, and positive when you are real with them about your life. You can consider telling a complete stranger what you’re doing and even possibly ask for their help if it is appropriate to conquering your fear. This is called being authentic and true to yourself. For example, “Hey I am working on conquering one of my fears this week which is to genuinely compliment a really beautiful girl that I see, and now that I see you I wanted to tell you that you are SO insanely adorable!” You’ll get praise from others for stepping out of your comfort zone and you’ll feel loads better about yourself afterwards for the amount of balls that were needed to do what YOU just did!

 Bonus Tip: View A Fear As A Challenge 
This is something discussed frequently on this site. When you view a fear as a problem; a problem that you just can’t seem to solve, or as a massive life roadblock that you are unable to clear, the fear becomes thousands of times worse in YOUR mind than it truly is. It fills your head with so much negativity, doubt, and apprehension that you literally cannot take any action whatsoever because you assume an inevitable failure.

Instead, try viewing your fear as a challenge. Life is issuing you a challenge. Are you going to show life what’s up or are you going to let life win? We all have faced bazillions of challenges throughout our lives already, and look where we are now? Sure we’ve all failed over and over, but we’re still standing and we’re stronger than ever. With each new day comes new challenges faced and conquered. Sometimes we don’t even realize we are overcoming challenges because they do not register in our minds on the level of fear, just as an annoying task that has to get done by YOU and YOU ALONE.

When you see a cute girl, consider trying to view it as life dealing out a challenge; realize it, confront it, conquer it, and go talk to her! Next challenge please!

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