What To Do If Your Credit Card Is Declined On An Overseas Trip

Credit card technologies
Presently there are two primary credit card technologies in the world. Beginning in the 1960s, cards were issued with a magnetic stripe to carry encoded cardholder information on three invisible tracks within the stripe. There are millions of point-of-sale terminals in the world and all of them can read the magnetic tracks on the back of every credit card. Your name, card number, expiration date and other information is available for terminals to process.
The problem is that the magnetic bits of information are very simple to decode and replicate with inexpensive parts from almost any electronics store, even Radio Shack. The decoded information can then be re-encoded on another credit card and used to make purchases from merchants. While the credit card companies have enhanced their fraud protection programs, losses from counterfeit cards, skimming of numbers, cloning and other techniques still plagues the industry.
Europe and the rest of the world are way ahead of the United States in its ability to combat fraudulent losses because they introduced a newer card technology several years ago.
This system increases the security of the card and reduces the ability to defraud the system by encrypting cardholder data within a chip that is embedded within the card and which resembles the SIM in your smartphone. These Chip-and-Pin cards, known as EMV (for Europay Mastercard Visa) offer several advantages for banks, merchants and consumers and are authenticated by a four-digit PIN rather than a signature. The card is theoretically more difficult to use by a thief or unauthorized individual who does not know the associated PIN.
Wireless handheld terminals are used by merchants to process transactions more securely than is possible with a mag stripe. The chip-and-PIN systems will be standard in the United States by 2015 because a new law that shifts liability to merchants and banks if they do not implement the more secure technology.
If you travel overseas, you want a chip-and-PIN card, especially when you use trains or subway systems that allow payment for service. Many of these will only accept the newer card format.
What happens if your card is declined?
When my Visa and Amex cards were declined it was because we were in a high-fraud area. The card issuers identified the transactions as suspicious and triggered certain critical events that affect the transaction and card holder.
Once Amex and Visa made the automatic decision to deny the charge they also blocked further use of the card. The system, depending upon the card provider, may attempt to call the cardholder or will usually send a text or email message in an attempt to directly communicate about the transaction.
If your card is declined it will be blocked from future use in order to protect the issuer and cardholder from fraudulent charges. To clear this fraud block you must contact the card issuer and confirm that the attempted charges were valid. You will usually be required to speak with a live fraud specialist, although some systems will let you enter your responses automatically by touch tone. Regardless of the system, the card companies will not allow any further transactions until they reconcile the charges and verify that they were actually valid and made by the authorized card holder.

The merchant may not know why your card is being declined, and sometimes there is a problem processing a transaction from a specific terminal that has nothing to do with your card provider. Often the same “charge declined” message will appear even if the local terminal is not even communicating with the credit card provider. If the transaction is declined and there is no credit limit problem it is best to confirm with your card issuer if there is a problem before you try to use your card again.
In order to minimize your inconvenience when charges are questioned, I recommend that you do the following before and while traveling:
  • Be certain that you have supplied a valid and current email address and cell phone number to each of your credit card providers. If you call-forward your U.S. cell phone number to a second phone that you use for international travel, remember that SMS text messages do not transfer. This means that if you told your card issuer to contact you by SMS, you may not get the alert;
  • Always carry a cell phone that has been provisioned for international service, (both data and voice) so that if your card company calls you or sends you a message you can be contacted;
  • Tell your credit card companies that you will be traveling outside of the United States so they can more closely monitor your account and approve routine foreign transactions;
  • Be certain that your debit cards (including gift cards) are authorized for use internationally; some are not and will not work on ATMs or at merchant terminals;
  • Sign up for alerts from your banks and credit card companies for all charges and account changes. Most offer this feature but you must go into account settings to enable these services. Once these are added you will receive an instant email or text alert for every charge on your card. This is the best way to prevent fraudulent charges. Be particularly vigilant to notifications that indicate that the card was not present for a transaction;
  • Know the phone numbers for each debit and credit card provider so if you have to call them to report a lost or stolen card or to clear a suspicious charge, you can do so without delay. Obtain both their toll-free number and regular telephone access. From some countries you cannot dial a U.S. toll-free number;
  • Determine which of your credit cards charges a foreign transaction fee. This is standard with most providers and can be about three percent. Certain cards, such as Amex Platinum and Delta Amex Platinum do not collect the fees, but the card annual costs are more expensive than for normal cards. For us that travel a lot internationally and charge everything, the increased annual card fees are offset by the savings in transactions fees that we would normally accrue;
  • Use a service such as  to LifeLockfurther protect your cards and notify you if they have been compromised. The annual fee is well worth the enhanced fraud monitoring and insurance for identity theft;
  • Record all card numbers prior to leaving the country and be certain that all credit cards are signed;
  • Demand a Chip-and-Pin card from your bank, credit card companies, and brokerage houses;
  • Try to use your card at restaurants that have wireless handheld terminals that are brought to your table rather than having the service person disappear with your card to make the charge. Always know where your credit card is and treat it like a valuable identity document. If the waiter, clerk, or other service person processes the transaction in your presence there is less chance to skim the data from the card;
  • Keep a copy of all charge receipts and verify the amounts against your monthly statements. I have encountered many occurrences where duplicate charges were run through the system and are never caught by the card holder. It is free money for the merchant;
  • Be certain that your credit limit will be sufficient, especially for long trips. This is important if you have automatic debits to your card for bills at home, such as utilities, cable service, insurance and other charges;
  • If you have an ATM card be sure that you know the PIN;
  • If you are asked for the billing zip code of your card, be certain that the number is entered correctly. Cards can be shut down if more than one invalid entry is made because it can indicate a stolen card;
  • If you receive a call from your credit card company telling you that your card has been suspended for fraud, be certain that the call is not a scam, phishing for personal information. The card company will ask you to confirm past transactions and will rarely ask for personal account information. It is usually easy to determine if the call is valid or an attempt to obtain critical card information;
  • Finally be sure that you have a PIN enabled for your credit cards if you want cash advances from an ATM. If you have a debit card from a brokerage house your ATM fees may be waived as part of your yearly maintenance charges.
Remember, once your card is declined for other than credit limit or late payment reasons, you will not be able to use it until you contact your bank or card issuer to clear the fraud-hold. Be sure that you know how to contact them and if you are in a foreign country, you also need to understand overseas dialing patterns to reach your home country. From your cell to call the United States, and depending upon your carrier, either dial 1+ the number, 001+ the number, area code and number, or hold down the “0” button until a + occurs, then dial 1+ the number.

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