Add shine to your hair in the monsoon with a vinegar rinse

Notice your hair looking limp and lifeless in the rainy season? Due to dampness and humidity, your hair can often lose its sheen and volume. Not to forget problems such as dandruff and itchy scalp which aggravate in this season. If you are looking for a remedy to bring back the gloss in your mane, look no further than your kitchen. 
A simple vinegar rinse is enough to get back the shine in your hair. To do this, mix just two tablespoons of vinegar in a cup of water. Use lukewarm water. Simply use this as a last rinse and leave your hair to dry. Vinegar has enzymes which will also kill bacteria on your scalp and provide relief from itchiness and dandruff. It will bring back the lost shine in your hair and add some volume too. So keep your hair looking lovely this monsoon.

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